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We believe homework plays a vital part in supporting the work you do in class and is one of the best ways in which you can learn how to become more independent and EPIC learners.

Developing regular homework habits is a key area where we ask your parents/carers to support you to make progress. 

Homework will always be meaningful and we expect it to be completed properly. This requires a quiet space, a table or desk to work at and freedom from the competition of other distractions. 

At Linslade every subject will be asking students to complete homework tasks and the teachers will put the students’ homework tasks onto Google Classroom.  Google classroom has a To Do List which will help you stay on top of your homework.

We have embedded some videos below that will help you and your parents and carers get the most out of Google classroom.

hoap linslade school final.pdf

How to log in to Google Classroom


 How to submit work on Google Classroom


 How to contact your teacher on Google Classroom


 How to access your To Do list on Google Classroom


Google Classroom