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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Supported, Cared For and Valued

We are equally committed to the care and development of the whole child and have a large and dedicated support team to augment the work of our tutors and year teams.

It is crucial that the partnership between staff, parents and students is a positive one and visitors frequently comment on the warm and welcoming atmosphere within Linslade.

Our aim is to be a school in which each individual

  • is challenged to achieve to his or her full potential
  • sets the highest of personal standards in work and conduct
  • enjoys success, both individually and collectively
  • is encouraged to develop a wide range of talents and interests linking with our extra-curricular opportunities and school trips
  • is valued, cared for and supported
  • feels safe and secure
  • is healthy and happy
  • is proud to be a member of the school community

The Heads of Key Stage, together with the form tutors, work with the pupils on a daily basis, providing the support and encouragement necessary to succeed. We also work with a range of other dedicated support professionals, including a family liaison worker and links with other support agencies outside of the school. Together with the Learning Support team, this ensures that we can support a specific pupil's needs as they arise.

Student support centre and The HUB

The Student Support Team provide a universal service to all students, working to develop and maintain their social, emotional, mental health and well-being.

We liaise with staff, parents and outside agencies to provide the best outcomes for our young people and support them in challenging the barriers to their learning and achievement.

As a team we can provide 1:1 support, we are looking to develop focused intervention for groups of students, we offer a counselling service and support for parents/carers. We also refer to and work closely with outside agencies who provide additional support for young people and their families when necessary.

The student support team work closely with our Key Stage Leaders and respective teams to maximise the learning potential for our students. We work together to identify and support students who may be experiencing difficulties and try to resolve issues that could be a barrier to their learning.

Outside agencies we work closely with include Children Schools and Families, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS), Jigsaw and Chums.


Parentline - a confidential text messaging advice and support line for Bedfordshire parents and carers of children aged 0-19. Text: 07507 331456



A confidential text messaging service for pupils aged between 11 and 19 for any concerns about the risks posed by the COVID-19 virus or the effect on schooling or future exams.  ChatHealth’s school nurses are there to help and also can help with areas of support such as healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles, emotional wellbeing, sexual health, smoking, drugs, alcohol, bulling.  Text:  07507 331450


Child Bereavement UK (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

0800 028 8840


Cruse Bereavement Care (Monday and Friday 9:30am to 5pm)

(Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am to 8pm)

0808 808 1677


Hope Again (Monday to Friday 9:30am to 5pm)

0808 808 1677


Winston's Wish (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

0808 802 0021
