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GSO Test

Q&A for Prospective Parents


These are the most common questions we are asked, and all the things we would normally discuss at our parents’ open evening.

Hopefully we have covered everything here, but if you have any further questions Please send us an email at admissions2025@linsladeac.co.uk and we will get in touch.

What if my child has Special Education or needs?

Those children on the SEN register will have an Individual Education Plan put in place for them. Children who already have an EHCP will have support hours allocated to them and our SENCo will work with them to make sure we have everything we can in place to meet their needs. You may have additional calls or meetings about this before term begins.

Care plans will be written for children with medical needs, which may be a standard form we send home, or the First Aid Coordinator may call you to put together a full care plan. Children with medical needs and educational needs are highlighted to all staff so wherever they are in the school the staff member will be aware of what they need. Asthmatic children are encouraged to carry their own named inhaler and self administer, please also send a spare to the office if possible. For safety, all other medicines should be kept in the medical room. We provide medical passes for those who may need to go to the toilet frequently and early lunch passes for those who need it – for example timing medicines with meals.

What is the Uniform?

Details can be found here.

Please put your child’s name on everything!

What do pupils need to bring to school?

All pupils must have a strong bag in which to carry their equipment to and from school. This must be named. School bags should be of a size that will accommodate A4 books and files, but should also be of a size that will fit comfortably into the child’s locker. Lockers are 42cm high x 29cm wide and 42cm deep.

Every pupil must have certain basic items of equipment in order to work effectively within school. We recommend one pencil case including:

  • Writing pen (blue/black)

  • Pencil

  • Pencil sharpener

  • Rubber

  • Coloured pencils

  • 30cm transparent ruler (marked in mm and cm and not flexible)

  • Protractor

  • Solid glue stick

  • Non-scientific calculator clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

  • WOWO pen for use on mini white boards.

  • Set of highlighter pens to include pink, green, yellow and orange

  • Scissors are provided by the school

  • Knives, including penknives, must not, on any account, be brought into school.

  • Chewing gum is not permitted.

  • Please name everything!

Can my child bring a mobile phone?

Children are allowed to bring mobile phones to school, however, they must be switched off and placed in their bag before entering the school site. If a mobile phone is used at school, it will be confiscated and a parent will be asked to collect this from the school office.

What is the Linslade Learning Toolkit used for?

All pupils are issued with a Linslade Learning Toolkit that covers the whole academic year. The LLT contains a number of sections including: timetable, a day-by-day diary and information designed to support learning. Parents/carers are asked to check their child’s LLT on a regular weekly basis. There is also a space for comments and it is a useful first point of contact between home and school.

What happens if my child loses someting?

All items of clothing and equipment must be clearly marked with your child’s name. If they are not, tracing losses becomes almost impossible. We recommend the use of woven name tapes for clothing and indelible marking on other items. Please ensure these are placed in an obvious place. When found, lost property is handed in at the main school office. This should be your child’s first port of call, after having retraced their steps in an attempt to locate a lost item. Where possible, property is returned to the rightful owner. We also advise that no valuables, expensive items or large sums of money are brought to school.

What happens at lunchtime?

Children can bring a packed lunch or buy a school dinner. Our newly refurbished dining hall makes children’s dining experience bright and bold, with exciting menus and various food themes throughout the term.

Will my child be given homework?

We believe homework plays a vital part in reinforcing the work done in class and is one of the best ways in which pupils can learn how to become more independent learners. Homework will always be meaningful and we expect it to be completed properly. This requires a quiet space, a table or desk to work at and freedom from the competition of other distractions.

Developing regular homework habits is a key area where parents/carers can make an essential contribution to their child’s progress. We will work closely with families whose child shows evidence of struggling in this area. Please contact your son/daughter’s form tutor in the first instance if you have any questions or concerns regarding homework.

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