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At Linslade we report to parents / carers regarding academic progress 3 times a year, once in each term.  There was the opportunity to meet virtually with the form teacher towards the end of the first half term to discuss how the start of term has been. 

In the Autumn term we send home an interim report in the last week of term.  This report gives details of how your child is progressing along their Pathway (are they on track to achieve their end of year target), as well as their attitude to learning and attendance.

In the Spring term we report via 4 academic parent consultation evenings where there is the opportunity on one of these 4 nights to meet with the subject teacher and discuss your child’s attainment, progress and attitude to learning. 

Towards the end of the Summer term a final report for the year will be issued.  This will contain all of the information included in the interim report.  It will also include a written comment from your child's form teacher.

In addition to the formal opportunities to discuss academic performance there is the opportunity for you as parents / carers  to contact your child’s subject teacher at any time throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns.


report for website.pdf


Reports Video
