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Students - Home Learning

To see your lessons for the week click the Timetables tab below and open the relevant timetable. To access your work please log onto Google Classroom and your lessons for the day.

Please use the following guidance to help you be an EPIC learner as you work remotely from home. 

  • If you do not understand any part of the lesson or need to ask a question you should seek help by either making a comment on the stream or adding a comment on your work. Staff will respond as soon as possible during the lesson slot. 
  • Read, read and read some more! EPIC learners will check out our wonderful reading platform for ideas!
  • EPIC learners are expected to be learning between 9am and 3.15pm
  • Take a break, it's good to have staggered breaks away from the computer screen. 
  • All work needs to be submitted when completed.
  • Please use the tabs below for any other help and support you may need. Click here for a guide on Google Classroom. Stay EPIC!

Home Learning Links

Google ClassroomStaff Contact Details TimetablesTop Tips for Students Useful Educational Links Safeguarding 

E-Safety - StudentsKS2 - Year 5&6 ResourceKS3 - Year 7&8 Resources Wellbeing & Mental Health - StudentsHome Learning Video 



 Scroll down to remind yourself how to be an EPIC learner at home!