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Curriculum intent

The science department at Linslade School delivers a broad and diverse curriculum that instils awe and wonder, a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and a window into the wider science world.  We plan our schemes to provide a bridge from Lower to Upper School equipping them with skills to use across a range of subjects at GCSE and beyond, including how to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. Pupils will develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Through the delivery of practical and theory lessons, we develop creative and curious learners and encourage aspirations and an understanding of the future careers that are open to them. Our learners today have an inspirational knowledge base to be our scientific leaders of tomorrow that is vital to the world’s future prosperity.

Curriculum Implementation

Teachers deliver a curriculum which takes into account individual learning needs and styles and allows everyone to experience success, raising standards of attainment.

Teachers have a good knowledge of the subject, but where science may not be their area of expertise, the HOD will provide support and scaffolding.

The learning outcomes are relevant and clear, promoting discussion about the subject. Teachers will check pupils’ learning frequently through the delivery of the learning outcome.

Teachers will have developed an environment for learning that allows the learners to experience different aspects of science, both practical and theory, in an engaging and positive atmosphere.

Department Impact

Science at Linslade tracks the progress of learners against their KPIs which are linked to the National Curriculum and our extensive and ambitious schemes of work. Learners are encouraged to succeed, ensuring secure, strong outcomes.

Our inspiring and broad curriculum at KS2 science leads into an ambitious KS3 curriculum, ensuring that the foundations towards achievement at GCSE are secure.

Learners in science will show they know and remember more over time and are prepared to bridge the gap to Upper school, as confident and successful leaders of tomorrow.

Year 5 Science Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Science Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Science Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Science Curriculum Outline

linslade learning journey in science.pdf

biology learning journey v1 1 .pdf

chemistry learning journey v2.pdf

physics learning journey v1.pdf


Curriculum Intent

PSHRE at Linslade school provides a window into the wider world promoting a diverse ambitious curriculum to ensure learners are well prepared and equipped to deal with all aspects of life and its challenges. 

The curriculum is divided into three main areas in which knowledge and skills are developed sequentially;

  1.  Living in the wider world
  2.  Mental, physical health and wellbeing
  3.  Healthy relationships

By the end of their time at Linslade, learners will be ready to bridge the gap to Upper School, confident and knowledgeable in themselves and their abilities to deal with life and all its complexities. 


Curriculum Implementation

Teachers of PSHRE deliver a highly well structured curriculum. Skills and knowledge development are planned sequentially linking with upper schools following the National Curriculum and in greater depth using the PSHRE Association. 

This involves repeating themes in the curriculum across the school, however with each year group the level of high frequency words, discussions and sensitivity of topics will become more challenging and more reflective as the pupils get older. To ensure high quality teaching and the topics meet the needs of students regular meetings, safeguarding updates, conversations between staff about sensitive topics take place.

Assessment in PSHRE is reflective and purposeful to develop understanding of the topic, as well as how the topic relates to pupils now and their future. KPIs are used to inform pupils of statements that are linked to the topic to help focus their reflection on the intent of that particular lesson or topic. 

Department Impacts

Learners are taught a diverse well structured curriculum which opens a window into the wider world by challenging them to understand the impact of a topic on their lives and that of those around them too. This is intentionally designed and embedded in the curriculum to ensure learners develop empathy, critical thinking skills and suitable oracy skills, which equip them to confidently bridge the gap to Upper school. The impact of the PSHRE curriculum is assessed through the learners personal reflection on a topic.

Year 5 PSHRE Curriculum Outline

Year 6 PSHRE Curriculum Outline

Year 7 PSHRE Curriculum Outline

Year 8 PSHRE Curriculum Outline


pshre learning journey.pdf


Curriculum Intent

PE at Linslade School aims to develop a high-quality and challenging PE curriculum that inspires all students to succeed in a wide variety of competitive sports. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, to understand fairness and equity of play and to embed life-long values. Students in KS2 are provided with the building blocks to ‘learn today’ all the skills needed to access a wide variety of sports, so they can become physically and mentally confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. In KS3 students are provided with opportunities to become physically confident, gain tactical awareness and provide constructive performance analysis for themselves and others. These additional skills help build an aspirational bridge to them becoming ‘Leaders of tomorrow’. Students will leave Linslade School with a positive mindset towards physical education and an understanding of sport in the ‘wider world’. Students develop a lifelong love of physical activity and understand its importance in life, to both mind and body.


Curriculum Implementation

Teachers deliver a diverse and engaging curriculum which includes sports from the local community and the wider world. It aims to allow everyone to enjoy being active, experience success and build a passion towards PE which helps raise standards of attainment. Topics taught go beyond the expectation of the National Curriculum and through sequenced learning, students can build on their skills and knowledge acquisition during their Linslade journey. Teachers check pupils’ learning frequently through the delivery of the learning outcome and use aspirational KPI’s as reference for these outcomes and skills. Providing clear next steps on how to improve, whilst building confidence through active participation is key. Students regularly self and peer assess using clear structured resources such as KPI statements and learning intention check lists. Enhanced leadership opportunities in KS3 help develop and challenge students, bridging the gap and ensuring students are well prepared for upper school.

Department Impact

Students at Linslade School are prepared for a lifelong love of physical activity, knowledge of a healthy lifestyle and how to approach challenges with a positive mental attitude. Our broad and diverse curriculum gives students the chance to learn a wide range of different sports and physical activities which exist in the wider world. The combination of knowledge, understanding and leadership opportunities available, prepares students to cross the bridge into their next stage of physical education and encourages them to aspire to achieve to the best of their ability.

Year 5 PE Curriculum Outline

Year 6 PE Curriculum Outline

Year 7 PE Curriculum Outline

Year 8 PE Curriculum Outline

linslade pe journey new 2022 pptx.pdf




Curriculum Intent

The Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum at Linslade School is designed to instil a love of language learning into all learners, to raise awareness, inspire and improve understanding of the culture and identity of people and communities therefore providing a window to the wider world.  We promote high quality acquisition of language skills and competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing to create an aspirational bridge to help learners fulfil their potential in external GCSE exams and beyond. It increases learners’ career choices, ambition and employability in later life including equipping them to study and work in other countries.

Curriculum Implementation

Collaborative curriculum planning lies at the heart of what we do in the MFL department. Our schemes of work are focussed on embedding challenge, metacognition, memory techniques for long term learning, and literacy.  Knowledge organisers enable us to define the core knowledge our students need to master. In MFL, we also implement our curriculum through using a variety of teaching approaches and tasks which encompass the four key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.  

Cultural Awareness themes are threaded through our curriculum in all three languages.  To provide a window to the wider world, and to promote rich cultural understanding, tolerance and diversity, pupils study the traditions, the geography, topics of historical significance, the culture of films and books, and authentic resources from the countries of the language they are learning.  

Assessment for learning is monitored informally through low stakes quizzes, regular vocabulary testing, and oral contributions in the target language, and more formally using half termly summative assessment in all four linguistic areas, which themselves are defined by rigorous KPIs for outcome and skills.  We aim to prepare students for the next phase of their MFL journey by providing a bridge to their KS4 future public GCSE examinations and beyond, in their chosen languages.

Department Impact

Learners within the MFL Department at Linslade School will become more confident communicators and develop language proficiency in reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. Our broad and diverse curriculum will see an increased respect for other cultures and a sense of global community; offering a window to the wider world where learners demonstrate empathy, tolerance and understanding towards other cultures.  Our learners are well prepared and ready to take on the challenge of a GCSE qualification in Spanish, French or German to ultimately allow them to go on to destinations that meet their aspirations. 


mfl 2021 updated linslade cedars learning journey 1 .pdf

 Year 5 MFL Curriculum Outline

Year 6 MFL Curriculum Outline

Year 7 MFL Curriculum Outline

Year 8 MFL Curriculum Outline

KS3 German Curriculum Outline


Curriculum Intent

The maths curriculum at Linslade School is carefully designed and sequenced to provide our learners with an aspirational bridge between lower and upper school and a foundation for understanding the world. We build on prior knowledge so that our learners leave us having achieved fluency in this creative and highly interconnected discipline, which includes topics such as number, geometry, statistics and algebra. This means that they will be ready to start upper school, and their GCSEs, feeling confident, prepared and with a way of thinking that will provide them with a platform to become the leaders of tomorrow. During their time with us our learners are given the opportunity to apply their ever growing knowledge to reasoning and problem solving questions so that they can deepen their understanding and appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics. By regularly working on real-life problems our curriculum allows learners to look through the window to the wider world and see how the Maths that they are taught in lessons will be applied in everyday life.


Curriculum Implementation

Our carefully sequenced curriculum builds on prior knowledge and challenges all of our students in a range of areas in mathematics. Our curriculum focuses on the 10 key pedagogical principles of Maths including mathematical reasoning and problem solving, to provide pupils with a window into the wider world of mathematics.

Retrieval activities are used at the start of each lesson to check for understanding on key topics taught previously. Formative assessment techniques are also used during our lessons, including low stakes quizzes, live marking, questioning and self & peer assessment. Summative assessments take place at the end of each curriculum block and whole class feedback is provided to address misconceptions and deepen learning. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are designed to provide all students with a challenge and students are assessed against these indicators at the end of a curriculum block. We follow our own scheme of learning allowing us to take advantage of a wide variety of textbooks, websites and concrete models which we use in our lessons. Our classrooms feature working walls, regularly updated displays, Tier 3 key words and a department wonder wall to engage, motivate and support our learners.  

Department Impact

Linslade learners receive both the support and challenge needed to become increasingly confident in arithmetic, fluency, reasoning and problem solving in all areas of Mathematics. The high quality teaching that our learners receive in all Maths lessons enables pupils to achieve excellence in summative assessments, which includes KS2 SATs. This creates a bridge to KS4 and beyond. Teachers use formative methods of assessment to monitor the progress of students and they regularly engage in retrieval activities to support the commitment of Mathematical skills and knowledge to long-term memory. The combination of our diverse curriculum and the opportunity to regularly apply mathematics to real life situations promotes empathy and understanding of other cultures and historical differences. This offers our students a window to the wider world which will help them both in upper school and in their future careers.

Year 5 Maths Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Maths Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Maths Curriculum Outline - Accelerated

Year 7 Maths Curriculum Outline - Delta

Year 7 Maths Curriculum Outline - Pi

Year 7 Maths Curriculum Outline - Theta

Year 8 Maths Curriculum Outline - Accelerated

Year 8 Maths Curriculum Outline - Delta

Year 8 Maths Curriculum Outline - Pi

Year 8 Maths Curriculum Outline - Theta

learning journey maths final v2.pdf


Curriculum Intent

At Linslade, we believe that History should fire each learner’s curiosity and imagination. We believe that History allows the learners to open a window into the wider world, helping to engage with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past. We encourage them to develop their own identities through a better understanding of their own history, that of Britain’s and by evaluating the diverse experiences of societies and groups. 


We believe that History helps learners to critically analyse the present world by engaging with and evaluating the past. By developing these critical thinking skills to navigate the world around them, we provide a bridge to Upper school and their future career and employment opportunities. We hope that through learning History, our learners understand methods of historical enquiry and gain historical perspective to be able to confidently take part in a democratic society.

Curriculum Implementation

Learning is embedded through the development of knowledge and skills over time and through overlapping concepts. We deliver a curriculum that is both diverse and challenging to ensure that pupils can broaden their understanding of their world around them. We employ a variety of teaching methods to ensure that all learning styles are included.

As much of the curriculum links together, key concepts and themes are revisited over key stages as well as between lessons to practice retrieval and recall. This allows the pupils to make links to the bigger picture and broader themes that carry throughout all of the topics across both key stages (i.e. religion, trade, imperialism, etc.). Pupils in KS2 are formatively assessed termly and half-termly in KS3. This is combined with summative assessments throughout the term to provide an overall picture.

The Key Progress Indicators (KPIs) in History are skill-based. We focus on four skills that carry across both key stages. Every term the pupils are formally assessed on two skills, which guides our intervention and any changes that need to be made in lessons. The skills chosen directly link to the most common skills in GCSE History.

Department Impact

The diverse and knowledge-rich History curriculum at Linslade School develops confident and articulate historians who want to learn more about the past and how it is impacting on our futures. Through KS2 and KS3, progress is measured against the GCSE specification and in most cases, progress is measured above the expectations in GCSE in an attempt to fully prepare them for their transition into Upper School and to challenge them at every possible moment.

Year 5 History Curriculum Outline

Year 6 History Curriculum Outline

Year 7 History Curriculum Outline

Year 8 History Curriculum Outline

history learning journey 2022 2023 1 .pdf


Curriculum Intent

At Linslade, we believe that Geography allows learners to have a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We work to inspire learners through a focused look at the key components that comprise the world around them, thus allowing them to peer through a window into the wider world. They are provided with a holistic understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected, and how human and physical environments are interrelated. 

We believe that learners will develop a comprehensive understanding of the issues facing a diverse range of places and people, now and in the future. With this understanding, we create a bridge to Upper school and their future careers and experiences. Geographers at Linslade will have an appreciation for the world they live in and a deep understanding of how their actions can have an impact on the Earth’s key physical and human processes and the people and places around them. Learners at Linslade will be competent in the Geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate data.

Curriculum Implementation

Learning is embedded through the development of knowledge and skills over time and through overlapping concepts. We deliver a curriculum that is both diverse and challenging to ensure that pupils can broaden their understanding of their world around them. We employ a variety of teaching methods to ensure that all learning styles are included.

The Key Progress Indicators (KPIs) in Geography are a mixture of essential knowledge and key skills that acts as a roadmap for the pupils on where specifically we are going. Pupils are formatively assessed half-termly, or at the end of a unit of work. This is combined with summative assessments throughout the term to provide an overall picture. Through regular feedback and guided practice students master key concepts, themes, and events.

Units and case studies that are taught are relevant to the lived experience of the students and cover a range of countries so that students leave as well-rounded and knowledgeable Geographers.

Department Impact

Geographers at Linslade School will be proud to talk of their travels to other countries, visits to different parts of the UK, and documentaries and TV programmes showing the impact of people and processes on the places that people live in. The diverse and knowledge rich curriculum offers a window into the wider world and develops confident and articulate Geographers who want to learn more about the world around them. In KS2 and KS3, progress is measured against the GCSE specification in an attempt to fully prepare them for their transition into Upper School.

Year 5 Geography Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Geography Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Geography Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Geography Curriculum Outline

geography learning journey 2022 2023 pptx.pdf

Art & Design

Curriculum Intent

Art and Design at Linslade School is intended to instil a lifelong love of art and design; equipping students with an understanding of the subject to enrich their lives. The curriculum gives them the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own pieces of art, craft and design. We show our learners a window into the world of art, history and an appreciation of other cultures. We plan our schemes to provide a bridge from Lower to Upper School, providing them with skills to use across a range of subjects at GCSE and beyond. In the ever changing employment landscape we believe that thinking creatively will ensure learners have the best prospects as they enter the working world; we celebrate and promote careers in art and design drawing attention to its contribution to the wealth of our nation. We are committed to show all forms of diversity within our selection of artists and topics. We celebrate what makes us special and unique, gaining a love of learning today and creating compassionate leaders of the future.

Curriculum Implementation

Teachers in Art and Design deliver high quality teaching and learning by closely following the national curriculum requirements and beyond. We are always engaging with new styles and techniques within art and have a collegiate approach that ensures that we are sharing best practice at all times.

Knowledge acquisition is developed in Art and Design by ensuring we are revisiting key themes across the key stages. We are fully aware of the national curriculum from KS1 to 4 and provide an essential bridge so that they are fully equipped for GCSE. We have a focus in Art and Design on the study of art history and we link this to local and global history - providing this linking context ensures key themes are embedded across curriculums. We are developing our use of knowledge planners and dual coding.

Students regularly self and peer assess using clear structured resources such as KPI statements and learning intention check lists. We also engage regularly with benchmarking and moderation marking to ensure there is consistency. KPI’s are reviewed often to ensure they are fully impactful to each student.

Department Impact

Art and Design at Linslade instils confidence and curiosity in all our learners so that they all achieve outcomes that surprise them in the high quality of work produced. We are committed to a love of literacy and exploring the history of art within all of our topics. Art and Design easily offers a window into the wider world with our selection of artists and our study of a range of cultures - we celebrate diversity in all its forms. Art and Design at Linslade is closely calibrated to the National curriculum at key stage 2 and 3 forming a strong bridge from Lower school to Upper school and beyond. Our students gain a lifelong love and appreciation of art, equipping them with a range of transferable skills needed to succeed in Art and beyond.

Year 5 Art Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Art Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Art Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Art Curriculum Outline

linslade cedars learning journey 2022.pdf


Curriculum Intent

We teach English at Linslade with an aim to prepare learners to communicate and succeed in the wider world. We want them to become cultured in a range of literature in different formats including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, extracts that cover a diverse, rich range of content and contexts. We want our learners to love reading, to share and discuss ideas effectively and have the tools and ability to create writing full of expression, creativity and analysis. 

Our curriculum model is fully aligned with the national curriculum and is designed to engage and challenge all learners’ strengths and interests:

Curriculum Implementation


Key Stage 2 English Implementation

We have a rigorous and well-organised English curriculum and framework in order to help us to develop confident, enthusiastic writers who can express themselves in a variety of different styles and across a variety of contexts. Our English teaching and learning provides many purposeful opportunities for reading, writing and discussion leading to challenges for all students. We use a diverse range of experiences, quality texts and resources to motivate and inspire our children. 

Writing tasks are specific and meaningful, and often meet a purpose to engage children and to illustrate how their writing skills can be applied to real life contexts and offer a window into the wider world. Assessment strategies, both formative and summative, are key to monitoring and evaluating progression for all. Teachers set each child a personalised target, which relate to “Key Performance Indicators” (KPI’s) specific to each year group to ensure progress and target areas for support. Teachers create a positive reading and writing culture in school, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered ‘a pleasure’ for all pupils.

We love to celebrate the success of all learners and strive to help all children achieve their goals. In addition, throughout the school year our literacy curriculum is enhanced through celebrations such as World Book Day, competitions, author visits, and workshops, and a range of trips and visits, which enrich and complement children’s learning. Our reading reward scheme is linked to Accelerated Reader to encourage children to read regularly at home.

Key Stage 3 English Implementation

The structured curriculum plan and carefully sequenced short term learning intentions in Key Stage 3 English will ensure that all pupils receive a rich diet of knowledge and skills. The diverse range of texts and topics studied will provide inspiration, creativity and deep critical thinking for pupils throughout their learning journey.  It is only right that learning is adapted in each and every lesson in order to reach, support and challenge all pupils in the classroom.

High quality teaching will ensure knowledge is deepened in pupil’s memory in preparation for their ‘bridge’ to Upper School. The range of skills and knowledge learnt throughout Key Stage 3 English will open a window on the world for learners and lay the foundations to establish future successes and achievements.

Assessment strategies, both formative and summative, are key to monitoring and evaluating progression for all. Key Progress Indictors (KPI’s) are embedded into short and long term planning and are referred to by both the teacher and pupils in day-to-day lessons enabling consistent academic development over time. These KPI’s will empower pupils to reflect on their progress throughout their Key Stage 3 English journey and therefore better-equip them for life beyond Linslade.

Department Impact

Key Stage 2 Department Impact

The impact on our learners is clear: progress, sustained learning and transferable skills. We aim that by the end of KS2 all of our learners have made considerable progress from their starting points. Learners become writers that are more confident, with most genres of writing familiar to them by the time they reach the end of Key Stage 2. The teaching focus is on creativity, developing the writer’s craft, sustained writing and manipulation of grammar and punctuation skills. Our children also become more confident, fluent readers and they realise the importance of reading for pleasure along with reading for information and knowledge. 

Year 5 English Curriculum Outline

Year 6 English Curriculum Outline

2024 25 ks2 learning journey .pdf

Key Stage 3 Department Impact

Stringent formative and summative assessment enables pupils to progress in line with their potential and therefore achieve strong outcomes for all. Reading, writing and spoken language skill development is the engine that drives the curriculum forward and beyond, preparing learners for the bridge to KS4. A range of modern texts embrace the theme of diversity and provide inspiration in subtle and unexpected ways, helping to develop the ‘whole’ learner.

Year 7 English Curriculum Outline

Year 8 English Curriculum Outline


eng lj updated cropped.pdf


Curriculum Intent

The Computer Science curriculum at Linslade School aims to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand their world now and change it for better in their future lives. They will do this through inspirational learning that is inclusive to all, without cultural barriers. Our KS2 learners will learn the principles of information technology and computation, how digital systems work and how to apply this knowledge through their first steps in programming. Our KS3 learners will take that learning further, expanding their knowledge, their application of logic and their coding skills in pursuit of excellent achievements in the subject. They will be provided with opportunities to share learning through wider school community connections and be encouraged to engage with computing’s role in the wider world. 


Curriculum Implementation

Teachers of Computer Science deliver a well structured, interleaved curriculum. Skills and knowledge development build on previous lower school computational learning and are linked into further progress with upper schools.  The sequencing and resources are provided by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and follow the National Curriculum.

This involves repeated understanding and application of the concepts of abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.  They do this by analysing problems in computational terms and have interleaved practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve problems. They evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.  

Teachers check pupils’ learning frequently through the delivery of learning outcomes and use challenging KPI’s as a reference for these outcomes and skills. The focus is on providing clear next steps on how to improve and building confidence through active participation. Students regularly self and peer assess each other’s output against the challenging task resources.

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the knowledge, skills and processes specified in this challenging programme of study.

Curriculum Impact

Computer Scientists at Linslade School will be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.  They will understand and be able to apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.  They will be confident in analysing problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of creating algorithms in order to solve such problems.  They will confidently tackle new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.  Their journey through computer science learning at this school will fully prepare them for the next stage of their learning at Upper School, as well as in their lives outside school.

Year 5 Computing Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Computing Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Computing Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Computing Curriculum Outline

computer science learning journey v2022 2 1 .pdf

Design & Technology/STEM

Curriculum Intent

Design and technology at Linslade aims to develop a variety of skills that develop a greater understanding of the world around us,including cultures, designers, their influences and diversity. Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Pupils will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. The different disciplines on offer at Linslade open a window into the world of food, where they understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook, textiles and R.M. and STEM, where they apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users, whilst also promoting a better understanding of cultures and influences.

Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation. Students at Linslade will develop the skills needed to be confident, independent and inspirational leaders of tomorrow.

Curriculum Implementation

Students follow a rotation based curriculum, which includes Food and Nutrition, Textiles and R.M.  Students will participate in each for approximately 9-12 weeks. There are also opportunities for students to experience some lessons of STEM and Art, depending on their year group.

We are currently updating our schemes of work and adapting them to be more in line with the skills and knowledge students will need in the future and for G.C.S.E’s.

Teachers deliver a curriculum which is adaptable, challenging and diverse, taking into account individual learning needs and styles. Teaching is designed to help learners remember knowledge in the long term and build links with new knowledge and big ideas. Strategies such as retrieval practice, interleaving, low-stakes quizzes, discussions and active learning help to secure knowledge in the long term.

The curriculum offers a window into the future careers and showcases opportunities that the DT and STEM disciplines can offer. These involve career discussions, opportunities for making, tasting and highlighting the wider context that these disciplines are involved in within different cultures and the local community .

The learning outcomes are relevant and clear, promoting discussion about and around the subject. Teachers will check pupils’ learning frequently through the delivery of learning outcomes and use KPIs as reference for these outcomes and skills.  Students will complete projects and have success in making different items.

Department Impact

The diverse Design and Technology and STEM options available will have developed a wide range of skills, designs and critical thinking skills.  Students will track their progress against robust KPI’s and will have succeeded in making and creating diverse projects/dishes.

The many cultural influences in each of the subjects will have allowed the students a window into the wider world and helped to influence their design and creating processes.

Students will be well prepared for the demands of GCSE and beyond, as these skills will offer a successful bridge across the key stages and into their futures.

Year 7 STEM Curriculum Outline

Year 5 DT Curriculum Outline

Year 6 DT Curriculum Outline

Year 7 DT Curriculum Outline

Year 8 DT Curriculum Outline

Year 5 Textiles Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Textiles Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Textiles Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Textiles Curriculum Outline

All Years Cooking Curriculum Outline

engineering learning journey v1.pdf

fashion and textiles learning journey v1.pdf

Performing Arts

Curriculum Intent

The Performing Arts Department at Linslade aims to nurture passionate, imaginative and curious individuals, giving them a window into the wider world through past and present art forms, generated from an array of different cultures and musical genres. The curriculum prepares learners to become creative and independent. The music curriculum allows learners to make more music, think more musically and consequently become more musical. It is built on three pillars: technical development, knowledge of musical components, and expression, carried out through listening, analysing, performing and composing. The creativity that they develop builds a bridge to Upper school and to many different future employment possibilities. Both the music lessons across the school, and Year 8 drama lessons, promote a sense of self-worth, encourage confidence and resilience and develop relationships, promoting a culture of collaboration and cooperation. 

Curriculum Implementation

The Performing Arts Department realises its Intent by means of a broad and balanced curriculum, with a window to the wider world. Pupils in all year groups have an hour of music every week, incorporating listening and appraising, performing and composing. Year 8 pupils have an hour of discrete drama a week, over and above the National Curriculum requirements.

Subject specific vocabulary is used throughout all lessons, and pupils are encouraged to use it in their own explanations and writing. Vocabulary is displayed on the walls, and in booklets, where the pupils are able to use it to support them during lessons. Retrieval activities, including links to different genres, at the beginning of each lesson ensures that knowledge is acquired and retained. The use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ensures that they know not only the indicators for their pathway, but also those to challenge them. 

Both Music and Drama are taught practically and assessment is carried out formatively by the teacher throughout the lesson, with learners knowing what they need to do to progress and improve. KPIs are used collaboratively with the pupils, allowing them to take ownership of their learning. Self and peer assessment, whole class feedback, questioning and practical activities are used to help inform next steps, and summative assessment is carried out, against the KPIs, at the end of each unit of work. 

Learners are prepared for the next stage of their learning, with both music and drama fostering a love and enjoyment of the subjects, building a bridge to future learning at GCSE level and beyond.

There are many opportunities for extra-curricular activities, including Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 choirs, who join together for performances such as the Christmas Carol Service, carols at Luton Airport and Young Voices at the O2, an orchestra, and a whole school musical production.

Department Impact

Following the Performing Arts curriculum at Linslade School enables learners to become confident performers, composers and listeners, forming a bridge to GCSE and beyond. Learners experience a window into the wider world and cultivate an appreciation and respect for the Arts from a wide range of styles and cultures, giving them an understanding of how music and drama is influenced by the wider historical, cultural and societal context in which it develops. Learners make progress across the three ‘pillars’ of musical learning, which is evidenced throughout lessons as pupils perform, analyse and compose. They show respect for other learners during their lessons, watching, listening and evaluating each others’ practice. Learners enjoy the Arts which contribute to personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. The impact of the Performing Arts curriculum is seen in the growing numbers of pupils enjoying extracurricular music and drama, and one to one instrumental lessons.

Year 5 Music Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Music Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Music Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Music Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Drama Curriculum Outline


music learning journey v1.pdf

Religious Education

Curriculum Intent

At Linslade, we believe that a better understanding of religion can help the learners to navigate their present world and the future. We have taken a secular approach to teaching RE and chose to focus simply on the facts, such as what different groups believe and how these beliefs impact on the world. We believe that this allows all learners to feel included in their learning despite their own religious beliefs and aligns closely to the GCSE specification of RE and philosophy, thus building a bridge to Upper school. 

As the learners progress, we believe that the business of RE is an exploration of the influence of religions and beliefs on individuals, culture, behaviour and national life. RE therefore acts as a window into the wider world and can help to explain the key questions that many experience throughout their lives. 

Curriculum Implementation

Learning is embedded through the development of knowledge and skills over time and through overlapping concepts. We deliver a curriculum that is both diverse and challenging to ensure that pupils can broaden their understanding of their world around them. We employ a variety of teaching methods to ensure that all learning styles are included. 

While RE is not formally assessed, we still provide summative feedback and Key Progress Indicators (KPIs) to ensure that the pupils know where they should be aiming when completing their RE work. The pupils assess their own work using their KPIs to allow for ownership over their learning, and the teacher provides feedback in lessons and an overall check at the end of each unit.

As the KS2 curriculum acts as the foundation for KS3, retrieval and recall is essential to ensure that all pupils can best access the content. Therefore key concepts and themes are revisited between lessons and year groups to practice retrieval and recall. 

Department Impact

Pupils at Linslade School will leave their RE lessons with a better understanding of the impact on religion on their world. They will be able to critically analyse the wider world and be able to argue their opinions with the use of evidence and evaluation. These skills will provide invaluable as they bridge the gap to KS4 and beyond.

Year 5 Religious Education Curriculum Outline

Year 6 Religious Education Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Religious Education Curriculum Outline

Year 8 Religious Education Curriculum Outline